HELPing care teams stay COORDINATED

The proposed solution that made it into development. This allows clinicians to view patient problems and solutions in context of each other.

I was brought into a project mid-development to help provide a solution to a  problem brought up during a review with clinicians. In this software, the clinician would be face to face or on the phone with a patient and would need to add or update existing problems and interventions that had been observed during the visit. The current system only allowed problems to be viewed and edited in a separate screen, forcing the user to keep the context of the problem in their head. It also didn't allow clinicians to add new problems while viewing the existing problems for the patient.


An annotated version of my sketches used for development and stakeholder review.


Key Deliverables

  • Sketches
  • Process Flow
  • High Fidelity Wireframes

Being brought in mid-stream, I wasn't able do any formal user research. I was able to tap clinical personnel employed by the client to identify issues in the current design. Based on these discussions I sketched potential solutions for review, and met with the development and clinical personnel to review and iterate.

These sketches turned into user flows and stories for further refinement and development. From the sketches I created high fidelity wireframes using existing visual styles and interaction patterns. After another round of review, the wireframes were iterated on one last time and provided to development to implement.